1. Awesome!!!! :

  2. Nem acredito que eu consegui... Mega ansiosa que venha o dia 08/06 RJ.

  3. thank you so much for TWOOOOOOOOOO MORE TWOOOOO shows ..love u
    you see it in your concerts in Brazil

  4. Boys to the POA 06/15 concert do not forget to bring winter coats because in southern Brazil is cold.... but if you guys forget the coats we can warm you guys =D =D

  5. Brazilian fans we really appreciate your attention
    #BRAZIL #SaoPaulo #7shows #2ExtraShows #Loveeeee #Thanks

  6. So happy, i can't explain!

  7. Thank you!!!!! Felizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! :D

  8. Simpleeeee Loveeee Loveeeeeeee...........

  9. Hey!

    Porto Alegre is 15/06! In the news says it is 13/06!
    I'm confused! Something is wrong!

  10. OMG I had no breath to say anything yesterday! WOW two additional concerts in Brazil? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! In special for the on in SP =D

    We love you <3 We can not wait to see you soon!!!!