1. Curitiba could part of the list, but I'm going anyways ~BSB in POA here we go!

  2. Uhu?ll very happy

  3. Obaaaaaaaaa!

  4. I am so happy and excited about this !!

  5. Recife / PE again 1st place chosen by Backstreet Boys Our too eager !

    Recife / PE novamente primeiro lugar escolhido por Backstreet Boys nossa muito ansiosa !

  6. SP and RJ, wait for me!!! I'm so excited to see you again, boys. Love u!!!

  7. OMG!!!! I´m very anxious to see you again in my country!!!!!!

  8. So glad that you're coming back to Belo Horizonte! See you here.
    Counting the days already!

  9. that's awesome! Belo Horizonte again! i´ll be there!! S2

  10. SO HAPPY!!!