1. Ticket prices: £100, £68, £42.50 & £32.50

    Running Times:
    Film 110 minutes
    Live Set 20 minutes

  2. The venue already posted the needed info (with the prices, etc.): http://www.dominiontheatre.com/backstreet-boys/

  3. Do fan club members get priority? As these tickets are going to go so quick!

  4. Do we have to get them from the Theatre website or can we get them on here also? xx

  5. Please can you let us know an idea on prices and where to buy these please, not always so easy being at work and trying to sort things out at the time they go on sale. Thank you :)

  6. CanThanks wait boys!!

  7. any idea about the prices? is there gonna be a VIP with the boys? Please, can we get some more info before tomorrow? Thanks!!!

  8. Yes please guys where are we buying the tickets from please? I can't wait for this...soooo excited!!!!! Xxxx

  9. I wanna know if the tickets will be sell through the event's section of this web

  10. Hi guys,

    Where do we get the tickets exactly? Here or on the Dominion website? Will you post a link?
