1. salt lake city utah. salt lake city please.

  2. great performance. please come to denver colorado or salt lake city utah please. when are coming to europe. how soon would you know the dates.

  3. Yay for Orlando!! : )

  4. Please please come to SALT LAKE CITY!!! I don't have enough money to travel out of state....please please please!! You have soooooo many fans here that want to see the NKOTBSB tour!!!! :-)

  5. Darn, still no Winnipeg

  6. wohoooo ;) happy new year ;)

  7. happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

  8. Happy New Year! From Brazil

  9. So excited to see more dates added!

    Y'know, Portland would be an excellent place to add. ;)

  10. I'm with bsb4eva92! Show Colorado some love!!