1. Hello Everyone! My friend and I booked a triple occupancy room and we need another friend to come along! We have the OB suite, send me a message if you are interested :) talk soon

  2. Can't wait!!!!!! 2nd year baby!

  3. How do we get the pre sale code?

  4. How do we get the reservation code????

  5. Booked our room!!! Im soooooo excited!! I cant wait to party BSB style!! :)

  6. Booked!! CANT WAIT!!

  7. where do I get the access code to book the reservation?

  8. Mine too, and then there are 3 numbers after that. So I'm guessing the numbers start at 83,000?

  9. My first two numbers are 83

  10. Anyone know what number the reservation numbers start at? I'm curious to see where my reservation number ranks lol :)