1. Thanks so much Eddie is great in January

  2. Bruna diz: Meninas vamos manter a cauma pelo menos agora temos uma previsão de quando vai começar as vendas ,que todos tenha um otimo Natal e um Prospero Ano novo fiquem com Deus e até Janeiro.

  3. Eddie thanks for thinking about Venezuelan fans now we can a chance to get our dollars and buy our passes !!!

    we wait for you guys with open arms !!!!!!!!

    No problem Angie Carter17 ;)

  4. I'm gonna travel in January, no internet acess. How this can not be stressful? And I have no one that can buy for me.


  5. Thanks Eddy, I just said before, thanks for information and for be so cool with South America. I love date January give me a chance wih my dollars

  6. Some people simply don't have a life to take care of.. guys, let's be reasonable... let's enjoy holidays and let the worries for January. Let's freak out at the right moment.. this is not the time and place to freak out....

  7. Ohhhhhhhhh Eddiieee ^.~ Haven't seen you since .... last year XD I couldn't renew my membership XD But here I am again ^^

    And THANK YOU very much for posting some information about the VIPs ^^ Now I can enjoy my holidays relieved LMAO

    I can't wait to buy my VIP ^^ THO I wished to buy Platinum XD instead I want a silver one \o/ It doesn't matter ... what really matter is that I can afford the silver one ^^ and I'm happy for it LOL THANKS EDDIEEE ^^ you ROCK!!!

  8. wuaaaaaaaaaa a seguir esperando ... que nervios

  9. why is it a bad idea? you get to save money longer, get to not stress till after the holiday and we get to plan it out for ya. You guys are awesome but let's not freak out!

  10. thanks for your comment tati!!! I Venezuelan too!