1. Se alguém tiver o pista estudante para vender, favor clicar em 'message elaine' ao invés de replay

  2. We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

  3. Alguém tem ingresso pista para estudante para vender?

  4. Life is not fair!! If it was I would be living in USA now!!

    Rir pra não chorar galera!!


    pelo menoooooooooos fala a data neeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ¬¬

  6. We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

    We´ve been waiting so long............ for nothing.

  7. Definitely is not fare what you are doing to us.
    You promissed to give us date and time. But "early january", certainly is not.
    We'd like to plan our holidays. And acting like that, only will increase our expectations.
    Also, I'd like to know why the vip tickets from other countries begin their sales right after the announcement of their shows. As an exemple, I could quote Mexico, and we from Latin America need to wait so long? [2]

  8. Queria tanto acabar com essa espera... snif snif...

  9. Q bajon... quiero seguir con mi vida lpm!! :S Necesito estar tranquila estos hombres nos hacen sufrir muchisimo lpm!!!! A seguir esperando chicas :(

  10. Puxa !!! vida!!! pelo menos nos de datas po!!!!!!!!!!