1. I want to go to another east coast date.Can't decide.And if they add a FL date,I definitely want to go

  2. anyone know of any cheap hotels by Chicago's venue? Trying to do both shows...

  3. *insert bad word here* I knew the presale I wanted was going on sale during the cruise.

  4. So it's ok to wait a week after tickets begin selling to buy VIP passes??

  5. How am I supposed to buy tickets from a cruise ship? *sigh*

  6. ;( i will be in miami for the cuise...;(!!!!

  7. FINALLY!!! Although I feel sowwie for anyone going on the cruise though looking for San Jose tickets! Tickets will be onsale AFTER the boat leaves... Smart one!!

  8. Thanx for fixing the Vegas info Matt. was kinda freaking out cuz I work on the 8th.. LOL. But I can make Monday work. WooHoo. =)

  9. I don't think VIP's have a on sale date yet, so don't assume they are an hour after your pre-sale.

  10. For Vancouver... do the concert tickets and the VIP both go on sale at 3pm at the same time on December 7th?! THat makes it really hard to get both.... can someone please explain? Thanks! :)