1. Congrats!!!Kevin!!What an exciting news to the family and BSB!Really a celebration for your home coming back to the group as well!!!!!!Oil Oil Oil!

  2. Congrats Kevin, Kristin and big brother Mason!!! Welcome to the world baby Maxwell :)

  3. Congrats Kevin, Kristen and Mason.
    Aww, Mason is a big brother, Maxwell is soo adorable!

  4. Congrats to Kevin & Kristin!! All the best to your family! xoxo

  5. Kisses fron Argentina.

  6. Congratulations Kevin & Kristin!

  7. Good name (I have a Maxwell, too:)! Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations Kevin & Kristin!

  9. Congratulations Kevin and Kristin! Mason must be so excited to be a big brother!! :)

  10. Congratulations Richardson family!!! God Bless Maxwell and happiness for his parents!! kisses from Brazil - Rio de Janeiro