1. wish we knew the prices and if there were different prices..

  2. What's with the limit? Is that the most you can buy at one time?

  3. ok so VIP here for BSB and VIP for NKOTB on nkotb.com i think i got it now. Wow so confusing but makes since. The fans are different and may only want to see their favorites and they are 2 different groups. Do a VIP for BSB in one city and do a VIP for NKOTB in another. Just a thought.

  4. Can they stop changing the hour for the presale ????-_-

  5. PLATINUM: soundcheck, ind photo with bsb, signed photo, backstage tour and more ($520)
    GOLD: soundcheck, ind photo with bsb, signed photo ($316)
    SILVER: soundcheck, group photo with bsb, signed photo ($212)
    BRONZE: soundcheck, signed photo ($108)

  6. Can someone tell me which one they think is better, the Ny coliseum or the Nj Izon center? I live in Ct so i can go to either i just want to go to the one that will get me the closest to the stage.

  7. thank you for the AMEX info

  8. I hope they add more venues to their list of places! =)

  9. AMEX presale is for American Express credit card holders which starts Sat Nov 13, 2010 until Nov 19, 2010, for the Chicago show I dont know about other locations.

    Presale tix for bsb fans are bought here when u log in.

  10. Does anyone know what the VIP options will be and/or what the costs will be? Thanks! Hope everyone gets great tix tomorrow!