1. ugh im gonna be at work noo!! someone get it on youtube please please!

  2. awesome!!!!!!!

  3. Our boys are coming back to the top! Although they were always on top but this is just too great! Can't wait for the NKOTB & BSB tour & I can't wait for the boys to come out with their next album...gosh!

  4. I hope I make it home in time tommorow :/ If not I'll catch it at 1am

  5. this is great!!

  6. BSB is back in the news and on TV! It's gonna be a great year :)

  7. thats hot :)

  8. I am sooo pumped!

    The concert this summer, Oprah, American Music Awards, and then the tour this summer! Its going to be a BSB Year! :)

  9. I am set and ready with the dvr to record.

  10. It sux that I have to work to 9:30 tom night ugh but Oprah reruns at 12 or 1 so hopefully i could catch it then. I sooo wanted to write in but i missed the deadline, I had such good stuff to write as do so many of us, the boys have touched us in way they don't even understand. I love my boys, everyone of them so thanks for being awesome for the last 17 years =)))