1. Can't wait to download permanent stain :)

  2. can u answer the fans in dc and say there is going to be show for us

  3. I'm so excited for ur album and I will be seeing u August 15

  4. Am I the only person
    Who thought platinum was sold out so instead bought the gold to find out that the platinum wasn't sold out?
    Yeah I'm mad>:(

  5. please come to dc

  6. thank you xn8c2, not sure where you saw that info, but I appreciate it!

  7. we get the link to download "permanent stain" on may 20th

  8. Yeeey! :D

    Can anyone answer us fans in the area of Seattle, Portland Vancouver if there will be dates added or not? :)


  9. How do we receive this free song? I bought tickets through LiveNation this morning.

  10. I look forward to your new album! :) And of course the new tour..hopefully in Europe ;)