1. woot woot

  2. I think it's important to note to the Boys that we will all still be buying and supporting this album, which is definitely the best BSB album yet, we just thought that some of the more uptempo/catchier (Hologram, Trouble, Fallen Angel, etc) would be included.

    Let's all cross our fingers for some good bonus tracks on deluxe editions!


  3. WHATTTT????????? what about Hologram, TROUBLE, fallen angel....??? =( i want more than that

  4. how exciting... :)

  5. Best I Can???????

  6. Where's HOLOGRAAAAAAAM? ¬¬

  7. I'm so happy with a new BSB album! Alot of them I haven't heard yet! I like Helpless and Hologram and Fallen Angel and it sucks they didn't make the album but I can always listen to them on youtube!

  8. Ha pero eso pasa cuando se filtran temas y las fans en vez de no escucharlos siguen y sigen descargandolos, y como consecuencia no son canciones oficiales.
    This Happens when fans downloads the unofficial songs before the release of the album, and the consequenses are those songs which are removed from the official Tracklist!

  9. I m happy as I got Shattered!

    thanks !

  10. I miss Helpless and Trouble.

    Nick always talked about how cool Helpless is and now it is not even on the album ????