1. HOLOGRAM is a hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :|:|:|:|
    Please...do something!!!!!!
    TROUBLE too........ :/

  2. Thank you ;-)
    I can't wait for the 6th of October.... and the 17th of November, Zürich Hallenstadion, it's going to be amazing like always !!!
    See you soon guys, love ya !
    Take care,

  3. amazzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggggggggggggggg cant wait..........

  4. I can't wait to have the CD in my hands!!!!
    I'm sure it will be excellent!!! As all of the other albums :)

    Congratulations BSB!!!!

  5. Hologram, Fallin Angel, & Helpless wow... Need to be on the @lbum cuz dem !$ cr@zy @m@z!n & c@nt get enough of dem $ong$... But be$ide$ th@t the @lbum !$ gonn@ be cr@zy... C@nt w@!t t!l october6

  6. i will so buy this cd, even tho i've only heard stmh so far... but i have all the other cds and i've loved them, so this one won't be different i believe ^^

  7. Can't wait!

  8. Hate to admit it but I listen to the first minute and a half of each song on Youtube to get a taste of what to expect. I must say I enjoy it. They are definitly getting back to their roots and how they started but still keeping a more adult sound to it. I love it and I will be buying in on October 6th!

  9. Ill be in line at the music store at 11pm on Oct 5th!!

  10. Woo!!! And the countdown begins!!