1. votadooosss!!! mis chicoosss!!!

  2. Just voted for my boys! :D

  3. Just voted for the gizzilionth time - it's 55 / 45 in favour of our boys :)

  4. Voted

  5. I voted their winning now go BSB.

  6. Voted

  7. Voted again.
    Go guys!!

  8. Voted! Never guilt when it comes to BSB!!!!

  9. yes there's no guilt! I simply love all of them! :) just voted&posted a comment.. there are some mean ppl which don't understand that BSB is the best group since they appeared&they'll always be! we speak about 15 years of happiness together&no one can take that away.. who else is like them? no one.. luv BeStBoys

  10. just voted