1. Oh My God This Is Amaazing (Y) :D I really wish i could come celebrate. KTBSPA!

  2. woohoo!! my favorite band is getting their star on my birthday!! :)

  3. HOPING to make the TREK from NYC!! Going to try my VERY BEST GUYS!! If not...ya'll should do an E. Coast celebration....because O-TOWN is where you got you're START!!! : )

  4. Everybody going to Hollywood, wear your BSB Concert t-shirts with tons of PRIDE~ finally our.fellas are honored with their long deserved Star! WOO HOO!

  5. Congrats guys!! I'm so happy for you all!!

    I wish I could attend but the timing isn't right, but I'm way too exited and will be watching the ustream! :)

  6. Yeah!

  7. I am officially going! If I'm not going on the cruise this year this will be my big event!

  8. I just bought my plane tickets, Mexican fans r going to be there! ;)

  9. That is awesome

  10. awwwww so perfect!!!!! congrats to you guys!!!!!! I love you so much!!!! Hugs and kisses from Uruguay!!!!!! awwwww God bless you guys!!!