1. HOPING to make the TREK from NYC!! Going to try my VERY BEST GUYS!! If not...ya'll should do an E. Coast celebration....because O-TOWN is where you got you're START!!! : )

  2. Everybody going to Hollywood, wear your BSB Concert t-shirts with tons of PRIDE~ finally our.fellas are honored with their long deserved Star! WOO HOO!

  3. Congrats guys!! I'm so happy for you all!!

    I wish I could attend but the timing isn't right, but I'm way too exited and will be watching the ustream! :)

  4. Yeah!

  5. I am officially going! If I'm not going on the cruise this year this will be my big event!

  6. I just bought my plane tickets, Mexican fans r going to be there! ;)

  7. That is awesome

  8. awwwww so perfect!!!!! congrats to you guys!!!!!! I love you so much!!!! Hugs and kisses from Uruguay!!!!!! awwwww God bless you guys!!!

  9. It's about time!!! Congrats guys, you deserve it!!!
    I'd love to be there and celebrate my boys, but I'm Italian and it's impossible...what a pity!!! Of course I will watch you on streaming :)
    I'm waiting the world tour to celebrate your 20th anniversary in Europe!
    xoxo Rossella!

  10. I want to goooooo!! Have to settle with the live stream