1. Why weren't they on at 11:30? That's strange. I was all ready to record it!

  2. They werent on at 11:30 :( and its 12:02 Eastern time here bummer, o well maybe i will stay up and see if there on at 3:30 or sumthin'

  3. You guys weren't on the 11:30 show at all and I missed the 7pm show...

  4. I Misssed it bummer :(

  5. Aww, they weren't on at 11:30, I guess I will have to stay up until 2:30. hehe

  6. yeah!!! aj looks soooo hot!!!! love u!!!!

  7. I don't know about Quebec but in Ontario they air it at 7:30 ... and don't quote me on this but I think we're a day behind ... cuz I watched it today and it was "E! News Weekend" and there was nothing about the boys ... so I suspect we'll be seeing tomorrow =)

  8. How can i see it if i'm in canada ( québec) ?!?!? Can somebody help me please :) ?

  9. OMG!!!! BSB are the best

  10. Oh my goodness!!! It was so amazing to see BSB on tv again!!!! They looked so great and cute (HOT!!) :) I wish the interview had been longer.....but better than nothing!! I envy the girl who interviewd them. Loved it and I'm gonna watch it all 4 times that it's on!!! Luv you BSB ~KTBSPA~