1. Then it AINT exclusive at all. And that would mean you could purchase tickets through this fan-club and nick's.

  2. than its false advertising! it doesnt make it "exclusive" anymore.

  3. Eddie said tickets would be available to everyone. Not just nickcarter.net members.

  4. My eyes are starting to hurt from staring at the stupid monitor for hrs! ughh.

  5. @Anik I agree it should b only for members that would actually make it exclusive lol

  6. Well I have someone buying my ticket for me if they go on sale while I'm at work but I'm hoping they go on sale after 4:30 EST

  7. If BSB and Nick Carter fan-club members ( or anyone NOT on any of the fan-clubs) were aloud purchasing this event why post 'EXCLUSIVE'' on nickcarter.net ????

    I am just sooooo confuse.

  8. Oooo I dont know :(

  9. This event is EXTREMELY limited so be sure to get tickets starting Thursday, July 15th EXCLUSIVELY on www.nickcarter.net .

    ''It says EXCLUSIVELY on www.nickcarter.net''

    The way I see it, if it's exclusive to something it should only be sold to members of the nc.net RIGHT?

  10. thought you were going to have a shower Cait? :P