1. hahahhaha I've just read that article and it looks like it was written by a fan... in MTV? That's so corious... anyway, I really hope this single hits in everyway... It's already playing in chilean radios :) And I've read a lot in national and international medias about This is Us... I have a feeling with this album... Please, keep guys keep sharing with us your wonderful voices ant talent *.*

  2. This was an awesome article! But it's sort of weird (albeit refreshing) to have people associated with MTV so excited about the new album. Where have y'all been for the last ten years? Seriously! Anyway, I loved the top ten list (And the reasons they picked the songs). It just cracked me up. I had to agree with all of it. And 10,000 Promises? Well, it made me want to listen to that again. It's been a little while. :)

  3. Backstreet's back and i love it :))))))

  4. Great!!!!
    The 'toP 10' is awesome!!!!!!!!! =D

  5. that is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

  6. Just read the article and sounds good! I think everybody should be excited to listen to new songs from the BSB. I mean, look at how long they have gone through and what they have gone through. They are amazing!! God Bless the Backstreet Boys!!

  7. Wow that was a awesome article. Thanks for sharing.

  8. MTV sucks

  9. Thanks for posting that article Matt. I really want This Is Us to do really well here in the United States, because I think the guys deserve it and we need to give them that chance.

  10. Very nice article!!!!!
    But Incomplete It's not Kevin's last single with the group....