1. wow im happy i hope backstreet blast this year with their song like singing immortal song i hope i be huge with perfect work of thems

  2. KTBSPA!

  3. I wish you the best in this new stage!!
    Love you, guys!!


  4. Finally! I guess,it was just metter of time :)

  5. Great guys!
    So you can decide to do the things how you guys want it to do!

    Great love u all!


  6. esperemos que vengan muchas cosas buenas para ellos, se lo merecen!!!

  7. YES! Now BSB can choose what they want to do!

  8. You know what? For those who are saying that the split wasn't 'amicable' are right.

    I checked Wiki, and it said they left due to not promoting them as they should have, and failing to have bestowed the Boys with full control of all musical decisions. And of course, Leighanne's rant on Twitter. And here I was about to say that if Brian said, amicable, than it was, but...you can tell it kinda wasn't.

    But what do I know? I wasn't there at the meeting. :P

  9. well, I hope they make the right decisions from now on, I love their music and certainly will support their music always.

  10. I support them for whatever decision they make. Just keep making music and touring :)