1. Great move guys, maybe now YOU can pick the songs that make the CDs.

  2. are they still going to make music i hope

  3. olèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè Halleluja Halleluja!! (hug) the guys :)

  4. Hey everyone? Since Bri's saying split is "amicable", let's just accept what he is saying & REJOICE, our Fellas are FREE at last from a label that failed them & their friends for almost 10 yrs! ANYTHING else would have to be better! :)

  5. YAY :-)
    2011 the year BACKSTREET came (again) :-P tehehehehehehe
    Can't wait!!!!

    Amanda ♥

  6. I knew that u had problems with them, but not at this level!!! but Im happy that u are better now!!! I know everything's gonna be better!!!! ;) and I cant wait fo the new ERA!!!

  7. yeah thats really happy news

  8. That's great news.

  9. I'm very happy for you guys!
    Still so much coming in 2010 with the tour and cruise. Good luck with everything.

    Can't wait for 2011 to see all the new things!

  10. I agree with LinziLou. This might be good but it was definitely not an amicable split.