1. This is the best thing. Anyway come back soon!

  2. not sure how I feel about this. I'm just worried that it might be more difficult to get new albums w/out a large record label behind them. Though, if Brian says it's a good thing, maybe it is. i'll reserve judgement for the time being & keep my fingers crossed.

  3. Great move guys, maybe now YOU can pick the songs that make the CDs.

  4. are they still going to make music i hope

  5. olèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè Halleluja Halleluja!! (hug) the guys :)

  6. Hey everyone? Since Bri's saying split is "amicable", let's just accept what he is saying & REJOICE, our Fellas are FREE at last from a label that failed them & their friends for almost 10 yrs! ANYTHING else would have to be better! :)

  7. YAY :-)
    2011 the year BACKSTREET came (again) :-P tehehehehehehe
    Can't wait!!!!

    Amanda ♥

  8. I knew that u had problems with them, but not at this level!!! but Im happy that u are better now!!! I know everything's gonna be better!!!! ;) and I cant wait fo the new ERA!!!

  9. yeah thats really happy news

  10. That's great news.