1. oh please not toronto and montreal at the same time!!!! aaaah

  2. i know omg! h7urry up cause i wana get tickets for where i live this will be my second time!:D:D:D:D::):):)!

  3. what time tomorrow any oneknow

  4. do we knpow what seats we get when we purchase?

  5. Omg My heart just jumped I thought i missed it...wow lolo

  6. OK, we know that Thursday or Friday is Montreal and Toronto. But pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease not more than 2 pre-sale at the same day!!!!!

  7. awesome!!!!! :)

  8. Yippie!!! I can't wait!!!

  9. :))))

  10. OMG OMG OMG...need more info!!!!