1. Anyone close enough to NYC HAS to go to this! I went to the Napa show and it was so amazing! You actually get to meet all the Boys and talk to them and hug them if you want. That alone is worth the $200 I paid for it. So, if you are wondering if it's worth it, definitely go! I wish I could go again.

  2. Yes Amy you will be in a picture with other fans.

  3. WOW, that is great news let see how much it is and see if I can afford it???

  4. does anyone know if the m&g is like the vip? bc im not gonna go if i have to be in a pic with other girls

  5. I'm so jealous of you all who get to gooooooo!

    Can we get this streamed somehow?!!

  6. can't wait good thing i held out on those vip tix he he ;)

  7. niceee!! i'm happy for the people that will go

  8. EternalNickChick- the pc richards show isn't ever gonna be rescheduled. And they won't give you tickets for this or anything instead. Which I find really lame. At least for the ones who won the tickets from the fanclub.

  9. ahhhhh............ im loving the email we just got!! that's my bday week... BSB overloadddddd, happy early bday to meeee :-D

  10. can we have one of these acustic event in Southamerica???...maybe in Chile (November)...think about it! ;)

    and congrats for the ppl who live in the east coast!