1. bsb in Italyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, in back in Rome!!!!!! i need you!!!!!!! backstreet i love you!!!!!

  2. Finally!! Coming to Toronto Baby!! YooHoo!!

  3. i cant wait!!!! c u guys August 14th!

  4. me too,Ren and stimpy are a good choice for this thread.lol

  5. Now come in Europe again, especially in France!!!!

  6. i love spam for a country that bsb will not go back to this year...humf...

  7. hahahha i loved that Episode of Ren & Stimpy!

  8. you'll be in Montreal but not in Ottawa?! hope you guys reconsider. don't mind if it's later this year, just come to Ottawa! :(

  9. Yay so excited to see some Canadian Tour Dates. Hope there will be a show in Hamilton. But im already for the Toronto show... Cant Wait!!!!

  10. so excited!!
    though, what's w/the Ren & Stimpy?! (must've missed that one! :)