1. If you want to figure out what time it will be in your location, try http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html and use any location in USA-California as the base time. Cheers.

  2. Es a las 13 hs Argentina

  3. Ok so its 6pm for all countries in CEST!chirp

  4. Thanks for the update. I'll be at work but I hope everyone else enjoys the chat!

  5. I can't at this time, I have college :'(

  6. thanks

  7. In spain will be at 6:00pm (seis de la tarde).

  8. Woohoo! Can't wait!

    Google the time for your country - it's not that hard to do!

  9. What time will be in Argentina?Please...

  10. Yeah, so excited! :)