1. it is LA time??
    I prefer 11am
    I'm from Argentina

  2. Either 9 or 2 PST is fine for me...

  3. i am at work at 9am pst i would prefer 2 or 3pm PST

  4. @cristina i will vote you jeje

  5. Thanks for thinking in Europe!!!

  6. 2 Central Time. :)

  7. then what will happen? some prefer at 12pm PST, others at 9 a.m. PST

  8. my vote is for 2 or 3 pm PST! I'm in class at 8 am =[

  9. any time is good for me. i live in cleveland ohio.

  10. Thank you for not forgetting Europe :-)

    For m 5pm or even later would be perfect.
    Can't wait for the Webchat with Brian !!