1. THANKS for all your help, in organizing Brian chat Vanessa! We all appreciate your efforts. :)

  2. I'm in a musical at that time OxO .. Aww :(

  3. 11:30 am for Venezuela ppl!....great time

  4. too bad that I will be at work than :( But I hope I will be able to watch the chat here afterwards :)

  5. what time is in south america or where can i find out?...i believe it will be 4am for me! :/

  6. Yes, that´s a great time for me!!! can´t wait:-)

  7. @Krissie creo que es sobre las cinco de la tarde, aproximadamente; aunke no lo sé con exactitud.

  8. what time is it in Europe or Spain, please?? thank you!

  9. I start work at 9 so I will miss it. Hopefully we can watch/read it later.

  10. woot woot! :)