1. any time after 1:00 pm. i live on the east coast of the us.

  2. 9am PST is a good Time for me =) I´m from germany

  3. How about 330 pm est

  4. 9am PST is approx 2am EST Australia (sydney) time

  5. 9am PST is approx 2am EST Australia (sydney) time

  6. it would be nice at 10-11 am PST

  7. 9.00 AM PDT would be perfect!
    (or maybe 10am PDT so most people will off school/work in Europe = 7pm CEST)

    THANK YOU for organizing this!! YAY for a Brian chat!

  8. anything after 2p.m PST is better for us Australian fans!!!! I don't wanna miss out on this chat!!!!!

  9. that's awesome!!!We're always reading all the gossip the day after here in Holland...so thanks SO much for listening! :-)

  10. i thnck 9 am is grate