1. How much are the VIPs for NYC?

  2. Thanks so much Matt!!!! So excited!!! NYC and AC!! :)

  3. No VIP for VA? But I actually was going to be able to afford it for once. =(

  4. gee im so sad i dont think ill be able to afford the VIP's = (

  5. I understand being upset-but if the venue won't allow VIP/SC to happen, the fan club can't help that. Wolftrap must have an issue with it this time-perhaps they didn't like hosting it for Unbreakable? It's ultimately their decision.

  6. awesome!..great for the people whos going!

    I still waitting for the mexican tour dates (:

  7. why is there no VIP for vienna?!?!?! :( :( :( :( :(

  8. no VIP for vienna???

  9. Thanks Matt! :)

  10. On sale times are given in their respective time zones first, then in Pacific time (where groundctrl is located).