1. That's a bummer! I was looking forward to it

  2. due to time there will not even be a soundcheck in miami. the boys get in RIGHT before the show

  3. I just don't understand how they just can't let people in for soundcheck and then we leave for clearwater and VA....

  4. VIP for Miami on the 29th PLEASE!!!! Make my dreams come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. There the same,520 Platinum,312 Gold ,208 Silver and 140 Bronze I believe. the last one not to sure on it's either 104 or 140.lol but the other three are right.hehe

  6. Will there be updated prices or are they usually the same every year?

  7. what about in MIAMI may 29th????

  8. ah man if i have the money i would buy a vip . but i can't this year

  9. Yes you can get two,you can buy as many as you want.

  10. can i buy multiple VIPs? i want to get two and i wasnt sure if there was a limit of one