1. Hi Everyone.
    My roomie is selling her place in our cabin. If anyone is interested please get in contact with Gabi:

    Gabriella Mendes
    There is a spot in my cabin (4D double Inside), because I won't go anymore. Anyone interested, please, contact me to check the payment negotiation and name change on the reservation. Our cabin is double and it's shared with mariana saraiva teles. It's 4D Inside Deck 6. Total price: U$ 1,228,00 + 100,00 for the name change. I already paid 2 installments (U$800,00). My contact: [email protected]

  2. Can we do meet and greet on the Cruz?

  3. Can't freaking wait!!

  4. That going to be so much fun.

  5. It's very sad, I can not go: '(...... But I'm happy and excited for all my friends that if they go. Hey a cruise on the beautiful coast of Mexico please.

  6. I can't wait :-D So excited :-) Gonna be a blast :-)