1. Listen up folks. According to Twist personnel, they said doors open at 8pm for the show, 9pm the show starts, and there's 3 other acts before them. So if you're maybe thinking you might be cutting it close, then you might have some leeway ^. :)

  2. it could be a 2 hour drive if you speed all the way ..LOL

  3. not rings i meant but a busy signal.

  4. Doode..i use my cell phone and most of the time it says your call can't be completed right now. and then a few times i'll get rings. but other times that's it. sucks. maybe use a land line. better than cell phone.

  5. Breeeeeeee!!!!!! omg i'm so mad. I work friday night..argh!!! my bsb are going to be just 10 minutes from my house..*cries*

  6. Fresno is in Central California actually, but North of LA about 3 hours :)

  7. I just found out about this and I don't remember the boys coming to Fresno everrrr! So even though it's not one of the tour locations, i'm still so excited that they'll be stopping here for a night!xD Will be listening in all week.

  8. AJ is totally a fan! I have always tried getting him to play bsb when no one else would. He usually would laugh at me, but he never denied being a fan he just said not to tell anyone and not to lose hope because there were probably alot of "closet" bsb fans in fresno. LOL. Anyways Im so excited, hopefully I get to see you guys Friday! it is still AMAZING that they are going to be in our town!!!!

  9. helen fresno is in Northern california

  10. Happy easter to the boys. Have fun in california. i wish i could be there.