1. Congrats to the Fresno fans,glad BSB giving Cali fans lots of love.

  2. Hmm, technically my manager will be gone Friday and she was encouraging me to take a day off. If I can get tickets from the radio station maybe I'll have to drive down! And then just follow them to the Napa show on sunday. Hmmmm, tempting. Then again I just bought tickets to see them in Georgia. I'm going all over the place for these boys!

  3. this is killing me that we have to win. lol Cant we just pay an arm and leg and BUY them?!?!

  4. go fresno!!!!!!! i hope you all take pictures of the members of groundctrl jamming along to i want it that way :)

  5. Why can't they do cool shows like this in places other then California. what about southern canada?:)

  6. wow san diego on thursday, fresno on friday, and napa on saturday. they are so keeping the Boys busy

  7. C'mon just a little further north to Oregon! I have to see you guys! Do some Promo in Portland!

  8. dooodeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still cant believe BSB and Fresno are in the same sentence.


  10. They'll tour South America in the fall (autumn) im pretty sure, give it time.