1. Booked! BSB Cruise #3 here we come!

  2. I'm booked!! Second year!! Can't wait!!

  3. We're booked!!! 3rd time cruise baby!!!

  4. Room booked, very happy, does someone know what confirmation number starts at??

  5. Awww yeah! Got my cabin! Ready to go!! Let's do this!!!!!!!!!

  6. impossible to book a JS I don't understand why??? can you help me???

  7. Did anyone get a JS or GS, the only availble things I could find were 6C and less and i started at 12 on the dot


  9. I cant find my access code! HELP!

  10. It sells really fast so PLEASE , anyone that has a roomatethat decide not to go , I want to upgrade my cabin, so contact me!!! :)