September 25, 2009

All I Have to Give

  1. This was always my favorite song off of the BSB album!!

  2. OMG I love this song toooo! Nick is soooo cute!

  3. Love this song. awesome video

  4. its a shame they put the short version of the clip they did a brilliant dance routine witrh chairs and hats and rarely shows it anywhere

  5. el cabello dee nick!! han cambiado demasiado chicos! :D

  6. i LOVE this one. omg nick i just wanna braid his hair

  7. Love the dance moves and the way Nick breaks into a smile just as the word "smile" passes his lips...

  8. waooo el video perfecto

    asombrosa cancion, magnifica coreogarfia, guapismos ellos, el escenario, la ropa

    y ellos solos, ahhhh perfecto

  9. OMG!!! This one is so great!!! I love Nick!!

  10. I still know how to dance it LOL
    i danced it at school LOL ohhh just love it
    makes me remember so many things :)

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