1. oh i can't stop watching it.

  2. nice....nice....nice....i love you guys!!!!

  3. and im supose to wait until Spring/Summer 2010?!?! HAAAAAA =S lol BIGGER ROCK !! BSB ROCK !! :-P

  4. I'm in love with Bigger live!
    and the drummer HAS to go on tour hahah he is just so enthusiastic lol
    Brian did great he's such a trooper! =)

  5. I love the song and i love the performance!!!

  6. Very well done performance!! I love Bigger 243424334 times more than I did before, LOL

  7. OMG!! Nick loooked sooooooo cute!!!!
    Can't wait to see them on tour

  8. I just can't stop watching this video!!!! =D

  9. Best song of This is Us!!!! I heart it tooo muchhhh
    Thanks boys!!!

  10. that was a great performance indeed!! Brian!! you are still kinda ill but you did great!!
    Awesome job guys!