1. SOO amazing


  3. ahh you guys are amazing!!

  4. That is so awesome that the guys participated in such a great cause. I love and respect you so much more!

  5. love you guys!!! I think it is good that you participate in this summit

  6. it's great to see them doing such amazing things for the world. many artists need to take a page from their book.

  7. Great to hear guys on stage. But I think that wasn't good idea to participate in this summit (I understand that guys don't know much, they are just a toy in someone's hands). Yeah! I don't believe in all that fuss about "climate change" (I am a science journalist and I know what am I talking about). Nobody know for sure what's going on (hacked e-mails of CRU one of those "what if?"). I'm in WWF so don't blame that I do nothing. No. I just don't believe that nobody will have profit from this (just like situation with swine flu - one year - and everybody understood that pharmaceutical companies did they money - Brian will say!) Good video anyway. Thanx for sharing!

  8. they are such great, amazing guys

  9. jajaja soy el no. 2!!!! jejeje

  10. Soy la 1ยช, jejeje.
    Mil gracias por el video, me encanta! ^.^