Looking for the Next Soldier of the Month: Summer 2020!

This contest ended 4 years ago

We're looking for one member of the BSB Army to highlight as our next Soldier of the Month!

To enter, answer the following question: If you could cook dinner for your favorite Backstreet Boy, who would it, what would you cook, and why did you pick that meal?

Make sure you answer the question in the comments section below and then click the 'Sign Up For This' button. You must complete both tasks to enter!

Each month's soldier will receive:
+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account
+ A feature piece on BSB.com
+ A special bundle of BSB goodies
+ Permanent bragging rights
+ And more ;)

Check back here in the contests section in July to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit.

- Winner is selected at random.

  1. im a true bsb fan n i met them 5 times and they help me thught stuff that was going on with stuff and they are true to their fans n they aways are there for each fan too

  2. Hi, my name is Natalie, I am a huge fan of the Backstreet Boys since my middle school days, I used to hang posters and all on the walls of my room and listen to all their albums. My ultimate dream is to be able to make it to their next concert and how great would that be considering its so close to my birthday next year. I wish so hard to meet them and have pictures taken with them. I adore them all so much but my favorite is Kevin, so handsome. Hopefully my dreams will come true soon. God bless them all and all who read this.

  3. Hi, my name is Debbie, I am writing for both myself and my daughter, we are both huge fans of The Backstreet Boys. My daughter got me hooked on them when she was 7, and then when she was 12, I took her to her very first concert ever: The Millennium Tour and then we were BOTH addicted. Although she loves all the guys for their individual reasons, I think we would choose Kevin. I am not asking for pity for my daughter, I'm just asking that she have one of her wishes come true and win this contest. She's had a difficult past few years with 5 confirmed diagnosed diseases. It was almost impossible to get her to Vegas last year for her 33rd birthday to see their Residency and do a Meet and Greet, but we did in fact succeed in getting there and back to Florida. Unfortunately, she can't cook because of a severe third degree burns she got from cooking a couple years back and had a seizure, so I would assist. We would serve him something off our family food truck, we serve authentic Belgian liege waffles and frozen chocolate dipped bananas. The Backstreet Boys have been a very influential part of my daughter's life and have stopped her from deep depressions many many times. But now at 34 years old, she will sit in her wheelchair serving people at the window in chronic pain, but striving to stay strong while we play BSB music at every rally. Our family food truck has also been a very positive part of her life now, and we are all so proud of it, so I think the two of us serving Kevin our treats would be her dream come true! He can go totally healthy and choose fruit toppings, or go a little naughty, and go with our "chocolate delight" waffle. Then for dessert, he could have a frozen chocolate dipped banana with any of our 10 toppings and a drizzle of fudge sauce, caramel, or Reese's peanut butter sauce. Pollyanna Dorough (Howie's sister) already worked with us and made us a video post promoting her healthy vegan waffle, so it's now time to share them with all the guys we both love starting with Kevin!

  4. Yo invitaria a Brian, le invitaria comida peruana una causa de pollo, un frejolada y leche asada, ya que naci en Perú, pero vivo hace muchos años en chile la comida, la cocinaria yo, pero sino le llega a gustar le hago unos ricos macarrones con queso como a el le gusta, de eso se trata de que a la persona que uno invite le de su gusto y regalonearlo, tambien de postre vainilla con trocitos de chocolate, y yo uno de puro chocolate es mi favorito con una linda canción" how deep is you love "que se escuha mientras cenamos y para terminar veriamos El principe de bel air amo esa serie y mi actor favorito es will smith creo que seria una linda noche.
    Ojala salga ganadora los sigo hace muchos años he tratado de ir a todos los conciertos en chile, que son espectaculares, me encantan espero tener un mett con los 5 ese seria mi sueño Y esperando que vuelvan pronto a chile los adoro *valestar*

  5. i would definitely cook for nick, (he’s my favorite lol) i would cook french dip because my grandpa used to make it for me and i want others to try it too. i feel like having my favorite singer try it would be amazing too. :D

  6. Hello everyone! I’m Teresa from Italy! Have a dinner with the boys it has always been a dream of mine! My favorite boys is mr B-rok, So If I had the chance to cook for him, I would prepare Some tipical italian dishes like “lasagna” made with layers of fresh lasagna sheets, Bolognese sauce, béchamel sauce and plenty of grated Parmesan cheese, “parmigiana” a dish based on fried and au gratin aubergines with tomato sauce, basil, garlic and one or more cheeses included, Sicilian pecorino, mozzarella, scamorza and caciocavallo, and for dessert “tiramisù” a spoon dessert based on ladyfingers (or other biscuits with a crumbly consistency) soaked in coffee and covered with a cream, composed of mascarpone, eggs and sugar, which in some variants is flavored with liqueur.
    I’m pretty sure that he will love this dinner because everybody loves these typical italian dishes and typical food is the best way to know better a country!
    Have a great mount

  7. I am Eli from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I always dream of inviting Kevin to spend a day (or a weekend would be better) to a picnic here in Buenos Aires. I would cook a ASADO, which is our typical meal, with the help of him to make the fire. I think cooking a ASADO would make us spend time together sharing talks and delicious drinks of beer or fernet. Sorry it is very romantic, is that I love that man! jajaja!

  8. Cocinaría para Nick, de entrada haría mini pizzas, ya que se que es lo que más le gusta y quiero que esté a gusto, de plato fuerte le haría un plato típico de la costa Colombiana, acompañado de un jugo de frutas tropicales y de postre un delicioso napoleón de café, porque quiero mostrarle los sabores de mi tierra.

  9. Hola mi nombre es Yasmira Paredes, tengo 34 años, soy Venezolana pero actualmente vivo en Chile desde hace 4 años, soy fan de los chicos desde hace 22 años, tengo todos sus discos, afiches, poseo más de 200 revistas, sacrificaba el dinero de mis meriendas en el colegio para comprar semanalmente sus revistas!!!, mi bsb favorito en Aj Mclean!, he asistido a 3 conciertos 2 en ni país y recién ahora en Chile con su tour DNA... Pues siendo de Venezuela me encantaría cocinarle un plato típico: El Pabellón criollo! Es un plato contundente, pero con mucho sabor! Como las latinas jajaja... Lleva caraotas negras, carne mechada, plátano, arroz blanco, le haría este plato para que pruebe algo diferente y porque me daría mucha emoción saber que podría gustarle la mezcla de sabores y principalmente porque me siento orgullosa de ser Venezolana.... Un abrazo

  10. Hello, my name is Jennifer, Jen for short. I'm 34 years old and have been a fan of the guys the entire 27 years! I even own the Red Album never released in the U.S.(thank you Amazon) I became a fan at 7 years old and they were my very first concert ever at 12 years old(b/c apparently that's when I was finally old enough for a concert), and although I am a fan of all of them, If I could choose any member of The Backstreet Boys to make a dinner for I would definitely choose Kevin. Being diagnosed with epilepsy at 14, was extremely difficult. I wasn't allowed to attend high school b/c the school though "it was too dangerous", so I had to get my h.s. degree on-line. Not being able to work or drive is also very difficult to deal with. Luckily, my parents let me live in their in-law apartment to keep a much needed eye on me. I don't get an aura, so I have no clue when a seizure is coming. Unfortunately, b/c of this I'm not technically able to cook over a stove, last time I did, I went to drain my noodles and had a seizure and went down and woke up in the burn unit with 3rd degree burns all over my chest needing skin grafts. The guys and their music got me through so many medical problems, it's amazing! They got me through a coma, stroke of my 4th nerve in my eye causing me to lose use of my left eye. I now must wear a eye patch at 34 years old and in a wheelchair with chronic nerve damage. However, my family has a food truck serving Belgian Liege waffles and frozen dipped bananas, and my mother is also a huge fan, so the two of us would prepare him one of our deliciously golden browned Belgian waffles with bursts of pearl sugar in every bite. We can go totally healthy with our vegan recipe and top with fruits, or we can go "sin city" and go vegan or non-vegan topped with our brownie bites, chocolate mousse and a Belgian chocolate sauce drizzle. Then, for dessert, he could have one (or more, lol) of our frozen chocolate dipped bananas with a choice of our many toppings. I am a constantly depressed person and my only happiness is A: The Backstreet Boys, and B: our family food truck. Even though I must take orders and work the order window in my wheelchair, the family food truck is a huge happy factor in my life and the guys are the other. If I didn't have those two things in my life, I have no idea where I'd be, so I always make sure to get "my gloves on, ready to fight and like a lion, I have tried to survive" (lyrics rearranged to make a point). There have been times I've had to be strong and take a chance on a procedure, but w/o the guys, my family and our food truck, nothing would be right. In fact, our truck is in contact with Pollyanna Dorough, and with her help and suggestions we created a special healthy vegan waffle. She even made a video post promoting it! All the guys deserve to get served by me for helping my save my strength and happiness.

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