1. so SO happy!!! ? thanks WW!!!

  2. Quien gano?

  3. wait there were no winners ?

  4. Fingers crosses to win this and add on my collection. See you guys soon!

  5. Quiero ganar los Funkos, me harian muy feliz con ese regalo :)

  6. Would do love to win these! They are pretty amazing!!

  7. I would like to see the backstreet boys at Roger's arena Aug 9

    I hope they come here.

    I would like to win a bsb funkos doll.

  8. i love funkos

  9. I'm very fan of you, guys. My happines in teenage was to watch your clips on MTV Brazil. Thank you very much for be a amazing part of my life. XOXO

  10. I love your funkos. I hope i win this. ??