1. The hype was real for me with this new single coming out. After hearing other new music on the cruise I just knew this single was going to be so so special and absolutely amazing. I stayed up till the single was released and made my mom who was visiting me in Colorado stay up as well to hear it even though she was super tired. She and I listened together the SECOND it showed up on my Spotify account. In complete silence so I could take it all in. Then I watched the video and was just blown away. I was beside myself. My BSBesties and I were texting like crazy (we all live in different states) going on and on about the song and video. I started tweeting and instagramming and posting on Facebook about Don’t Go Breaking My Heart because I needed the whole world to know about this song. I stayed up for another hour or two just flooding my social media. The next day I jumped on the train of getting that YouTube view count up, as well as the Spotify play count. I was watching the video on my husbands laptop and streaming on Spotify on my cell phone. I was yelling about the song from the rooftops and bringing it up to people any chance I could get. I tweeted every pop radio station I could think of in Denver. The first time I heard it on the radio I cranked it up and would not get out of the car till it was over. Today, a week later, I am still doing everything I can to make sure the whole world knows about this song. The boys deserve it and I am just beside myself hearing them on the radio and seeing all these promo interviews again. I can’t wait to see what the near future brings!!

  2. I made a post on my Instagram and I retweeted the boys. I also, wrote about it on my professional blog.

  3. Like everyone else, I have been tweeting like crazy, posting on Facebook and Instagram, and bought the song and the video on iTunes, plus downloading on Apple Music, watching the YouTube video every time I think about it, requesting it daily on my radio stations, and of course the playlist on Spotify. But my special thing is that I videoed my 1st grade class dancing to it and posted it on Twitter! The BSB account, Lauren Carter, and Kevin all retweeted it! Brian and Nick mentioned it in an interview and I freaked! Also, did Lauren and Kristin's 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' Challenge. Find everything on my twitter- @operablondie

  4. I actually bought the song on iTunes. I never spend money on music, I just stream it on Spotify. The Backstreet Boys have a higher regard than Hamilton in that manner.

    Also, I asked them to move the mural wall to Orlando, with a promise that if they did, I would take a picture with it.

  5. I LOVE THE BACKSTREET BOYS, They Have Always Been My Favorite Band And Always Will Be. I Am Willing To Do Whatever It Takes To Win This Contest.

    I Fully Support Our Soldiers, Both My Mom & Dad Were In The Army, That's How They Met So I Always Support Them.

    I Saved "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" on Spotify But I Will Buy It On iTunes Very Soon. I LOVE YOU GUYS & ALWAYS KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!!!!

  6. I've told all of my friends, I've downloaded it on my iTunes along with my mom's and a few of my friends iTunes accounts. I listen to it nonstop. When I first heard it, I called my mom bawling my eyes out and had her share it and send it to her friend. I posted a video on Instagram and made a musical.ly too. I've even requested it on the radio a few dozen times. I honestly dont think i can get enough of this song. (Currently listening to the song right now too)

  7. Hi boys! I have helped support it by flooding my twitter and FB feed with the song's video, your promo interview videos, bought it on iTunes and one day I actually left my computer on all day while I was at work and looped the video in a playlist, non stop DGBMY to get more views and so my dogs could hear your voices all day long. lol I also listen to it on Spotify. I watch the video on YouTube several times a day. I also bought and downloaded the video on iTunes. I also call in to local radio to request the song. :)

  8. I have helped by buying and downloading the song on iTunes! Watching on YouTube and sharing on all social media! I have also retweeted all news about the song and video links! Calling local radio stations and even tweeting radio dj’s! Playing it loudly in my car! Tellling random people about it! Spreading all the love for this amazing song!

  9. I have supported the backstreet boys new song do ,t breaking my heart i have listened to it on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and i also listened to it on kiss 102.7fm and spotify

  10. I just listen to the song all day long while I'm working, working out, eating, in the shower, etc. All my friends at my job have listened the song and they think it's amazing! My family loves it too, we watch the video everytime that we can. I ask for the song to be played on radio stations here in Mexico. I think everyone around me liked the song and that makes me really happy for the boys!! They did a great job and I'm thankful for that.