Looking for the first SOTM for 2018!

This contest ended 6 years ago

We're welcoming 2018, the boys' 25th anniversary, and looking for the first Soldier of the Month for the year. Could it be you?

To enter, answer the following question: What do you think is the most significant moment in BSB history and why?

Make sure you answer the question in the comments section below and then click the 'Sign Up For This' button. You must complete both tasks to enter!


Each month's soldier will receive:

+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account
+ 1500 points
+ A feature piece on BSB.com
+ A special bundle of BSB goodies
+ Permanent bragging rights
+ And more ;) 

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

- Winner is selected at random.

  1. I think the most significant moment of their carrer was when the boys finnaly got free from Lou, and since then they became even more special. That means a lot for them, and criate a lot of opportunities for them, reflecting on their careers, and way of making music. This is also a way to face a career, and to handle great responsibilities and important moments like Kevin's exit, for example. That is, this moment was one of the most important in my opinion, because it opened a new path of success and greater recognition for the backstreet boys.

    and for me, as a Brazilian fan, every moment that they decide to come here is a moment more than important and memorable.

  2. In my opinion, The most significant moment in Bsb history would when Millennium album came out. It had the most intense excitement from the fans. The tour was the best concert of my childhood! Running home from school to watch the “I want it that way” video premiere. It still gives me chills of excitement thinking about that time!

  3. I believe their most significant moment was the release of "I want it that way" as a single and the Millennium album. They dominated the charts in all categories. Both the song and album really propelled them onto the music scene in a huge way, even though they were very successful with their first album. I want it that way will be a song to remember for the ages. Most people of any age know the words; now that's what I call awesomeness! Love my boys!

  4. Getting their star on the Hollywood walk of fame Because they had worked so hard to achieve what they have for 25 years and after learning about each one of them on the documentary and other research sources, they were able to rise above it all from the betrayal of Lou to the departure of Kevin and so on. Each Boys story has help me learn more about them and myself because I can actually relate to what they’ve been through. I’m just glad their 25th anniversary is coming up and I couldn’t wait to celebrate with them.

  5. After watching their documentary "Show 'Em What Your Made Of" (which was excellent) it gave me so much insight into what they have gone through and what they go through in both their personal and work life. One defining moment I realized was when they broke away from "Producer" Lou Perlman. Granted, he did "manufacture" the band as AJ stated and we could all thank him for that but the fraud and money he stole from them throughout the years landed him where I believe he belonged - in prison. I think that was a big turning point for the boys - even if it did not change over night. When Kevin came back and they decided to finance themselves for the Show Em What Your Made Of album.... I believe this cause and effect helped change their lives and be able to live it the way they do today. I applaud them for making it through those hard times and for staying together. It was a tough but a learning experience we all have to go through in life. I am just so happy for them and for us fans that they stuck it out!

  6. The most successful moment is the release and longevity of Millennium. IWITW is the face of a generation. I was 6 and it was favorite song for years. Everyone STILL knows the words the singles from that album that graced the airwaves.

  7. Getting recognition overseas when they first started out as a group 24 years ago. I believe they had many special significant moments but this one deserves notice because that moment opened up the path to their career. (:

  8. Getting recognition overseas when they first started out as a group 24 years ago. I believe they had many special significant moments but this one deserves notice because that moment opened up the path to their career. (:

  9. Whenever any of the boys were dealing with personl issues. Why? It reflected in the music. Their passion and weaknesses and triumph flowed through their lyrics. And it made them even more relatable. (show me the meaning of being lonely, incomplete.. To name a few)

  10. I think their most significant moment in BSB history is when the 4 boys continued on without Kevin. They could have easily given up but they didn’t. They stuck together, made more albums, toured, etc. and kept the BSB train running until Kevin was ready to return to the group.

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